Categories: SQL Server

SQL Server Error : 208, Severity: 16. Invalid object name ‘%.*ls’.

SQL Server Error : 208 Details

SQL Server Error: 208
Severity: 16
Event Logged or not: No
Invalid object name ‘%.*ls’.
Severity 16 Description:
Indicates general errors that can be corrected by the user.

Details of Error:

When a new user attempts to explore a database, they typically use SQL Server Management Studio. When they attempt to access any object using any valid T-SQL command, they frequently receive the following error.
SQL SERVER – Database Context Error – Error 208 – Invalid Object Name dbcontext1
What most confuses users is that the object is clearly visible in the SSMS Object Explorer, but when they try to access it using valid T-SQL, they usually get an error. I’ve seen DBAs and developers frequently restart SSMS, restart machines, and futilely try to refresh their queries and databases. However, the problem is quite simple

Solution for Resolving the Error

This error is caused primarily by a mismatch in database context. When most people launch SSMS, they do not realize that their default database context is set to master. All we have to do is change the database context to whatever database our current object is in, and everything will start working right away.

SQL SERVER – An Error Occurred As a result of Database Context – Error 208 – Invalid Object Name dbcontext2,
This is a common error encountered by new users on a regular basis. However, because the solution is so simple, we all figure out how to fix it.

Another option is to prefix your database name with a multipart database name. You can read more about it here: SQL SERVER – An Explanation and an Example

You can also change the default database when you login to SSMS to a database other than the master database. You can read more about it here: SQL SERVER – Connecting to a Specific Database When Launching SSMS

Alternate Solutions

  1. Restarting SQL Server Service(non production instances only)

  • To Restart, Start or Stop the SQL Server instance by right click on sql server instance in SSMS or in SQL. You may need to open SSMS as administrator to start, stop the instance.

  • Other ways for restarting SQL server Service

  1. Open SQL Configuration manager from Start menu to restart service
  2. From Services in Windows server to restart services
  3. From Command prompt Cmd using net start and net stop


SQL Server Error Code and solution summary

SQL Server Error: 208
Severity: 16
Event Logged or not: No
Invalid object name ‘%.*ls’.

This error is caused primarily by a mismatch in database context. When most people launch SSMS, they do not realize that their default database context is set to master. All we have to do is change the database context to whatever database our current object is in, and everything will start working right away.

Vamshi B

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