SQL Server

SQL 2008 Transactional Replication and initializing from a backup file

In some environments,running Fresh snapshot will take ages to synchronise the subscribers with publishers. Even if it is done in…

13 years ago

SQL Server Resource Governor

Microsoft has introduced an interesting and exciting new feature in SQL Server 2008; it is named the Resource Governor. It…

13 years ago

SQL Server Memory

SQL Server divides the total memory dedicated to it into two parts referred to as Buffer Pool and Memory to…

13 years ago

SQL Server Optimistic Concurrency

SQL Server Concurrency Terminology Optimistic concurrency control inside the SQL Server 2005/2008 database engine technically means that row versioning is…

13 years ago

SQL Server Disk I/O Specific issues

If you suspect that your SQL Server instance is having Disk I/O issues, these queries can help furnish proof that…

13 years ago

Top Waits Stats rollup query

The query which can be used to identify Top Wait Stats is given below. It is used to Isolate top…

13 years ago

Transaction log file VLF management

One of the important things I would recommend is not having transaction log VLFs be too large, with 500MB being…

13 years ago

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