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Error Log

sql server DBA 999

SQL Server- Identify location of the SQL Server Error Log file

The SQL Server Error Log file is per SQL Server instance. A DBA can identify the location of the SQL Server Error Log file used by an instance of SQL Server easily.

Finding location of Windows Error logs

DBA can identify SQL Server Error Log file used by SQL Server Database Engine Using Application Event Viewer

  •  Click Start -> All Programs -> Administrative Tools -> Server Manager.

Finding location of SQL Server error log in Windows Error logs

  •  In Server Manager-> expand Diagnostics-> expand Event Viewer-> expand Windows Logs and then select Application on the left side panel. In the right panel you need to filter for events with Event ID 17111.
  • The location of
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sql server DBA 999

Recycling SQL Error Log and increasing max number of Error logs Stored

Recycling Error log is another important thing in case if you are storing login auditing with login success to Error log. With Recycling error log to avoid losing important data one should increase the number of Error logs stored.

For Example: If Error log is growing at a rapid level then it can be recycled every two days and its setting can be changed to keep 50 error log files or higher which would account around 100 days.
1. Set the number of log files to 50 from the default of 6 to do this:
• SQL 2005 – Right click on SQL Server logs folder in Managment studio and choose Configure from the pop up menu.
• Click the … Read the rest