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SQL Activity Monitoring

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Active Connections to SQL Server Database 2008, 2005 by Application or User

To Check Active Connections to SQL Server Database grouped by User

Below query is very helpful in finding the Total CPU usage, Waiting Time, Elapsed Time, Number of Reads, Number of Writes, connections grouped by Login name related which are active in SQL Server Database.

To check Active Connections to SQL Server Database grouped by Login name

SELECT SUM(s.cpu_time) AS CPU,
SUM(s.total_scheduled_time) AS WaitTime,
SUM(s.total_elapsed_time) AS ElapsedTime,
SUM(c.num_reads) AS Reads,
SUM(c.num_writes) AS Writes,
COUNT(1) AS Connections,
s.original_login_name AS login
FROM sys.dm_exec_connections AS c
LEFT OUTER JOIN sys.dm_exec_sessions AS s
ON s.session_id = c.session_id
GROUP BY s.original_login_name

Below query is very helpful in finding the Total CPU usage, Waiting Time, Elapsed

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The Activity Monitor in SQL Server Management Studio is a great tool which can be used by DBA’s and database developers to get a quick overview of SQL Server system performance and connections or in simple words it is one of the free sql server performance monitoring tools. The Activity Monitor tool in SQL Server older versions than 2008 used to display information related to Processes, Lock by Objects and Locks by Process. There are many enhancements in Activity Monitor in SQL Server 2008 onwards like graphical display of Processor Time, Processes, Waiting Tasks, Database I/O’s, Data File I/O’s,Batch Requests, Resource Waits and also information on most expensive queries.

It is Best SQL Monitoring software / Application which ships free … Read the rest