Home » SQL Server Error : 14151, Severity: 18. Replication-%s: agent %s failed. %s

SQL Server Error : 14151, Severity: 18. Replication-%s: agent %s failed. %s

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SQL Server Error : 14151 Details

SQL Server Error: 14151
Severity: 18
Event Logged or not: Yes
Replication-%s: agent %s failed. %s
Severity 18 Description:
Indicates a problem in the Database Engine software, but the statement completes execution, and the connection to the instance of the Database Engine is maintained. The system administrator should be informed every time a message with a severity level of 18 occurs.

Relate errors below:

error 14151, severity: 18, state: 1

event id 14151

replication the last step did not log any message

the process could not execute ‘sp_replcmds’ on source

mssql_repl error number: mssql_repl20011

the process could not execute ‘sp_mspub_adjust_identity

sql replication log reader agent fails

Cause of Error sql server 14151

“SQL Error 14151: Severity: 18” says the error message. Subsystem: agent Replication-Replication Merge State: 1 SUBSCRIBER xxxx was not successful. The Publisher failed to assign the subscription a new set of identification ranges. When a Publisher or republishing Subscriber runs out of identity ranges to assign to its own Subscribers, or when an identity column data type does not permit an extra identity range allocation, this can happen. If a republishing Subscriber runs out of identity ranges, synchronise it to get more before continuing the synchronisation. If a Publisher runs out of identity ranges, make sure the data type’s size allows for the required ranges.


Solution for Resolving the Error SQL Server 14151

Restart the Subscriber’s Merge Agent.
Check that all Services in all locations are running with the same credentials using Microsoft SQL Server Configuration Manager:
SQL Server Agent for SQL Server

If you suspect that data isn’t being replicated correctly between SQL Servers then check all replication agents are working properly. and check status using replication monitor.

Using below queries we can check the Distribution history to find the cause of the issue. For example:

select * from distribution..MSdistribution_agents
select * from distribution..MSdistribution_history order by time desc
select * from distribution..MSrepl_errors order by time desc

With the intention of cleaning out the offending replication items

1.disable and enable replication.

2. If the issue messages appeared in the SQL Error Log again after activating replication then it is evident at this time that the error messages were coming from somewhere else.

3. Used SQL Prolfier to track down the servers that were causing these problems. To clean up orphaned PULL subscriptions, execute sp removedbreplication on previous subscribers.

SQL Server Error Code and solution summary

SQL Server Error: 14151
Severity: 18
Event Logged or not: Yes
Replication-%s: agent %s failed. %s

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