Home » SQL Server Error : 164, Severity: 15. Each GROUP BY expression must contain at

SQL Server Error : 164, Severity: 15. Each GROUP BY expression must contain at

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SQL Server Error : 164 Details

SQL Server Error: 164
Severity: 15
Event Logged or not: No
Each GROUP BY expression must contain at least one column that is not an outer reference.
Severity 15 Description:
Indicates syntax errors in the Transact-SQL command.

Solution for Resolving the Error

SQL Server does not know positional arguments in group by part of the statement.

So, the column name needs repeatetion in group by part.

The positional syntax is  only permitted for order by like 1,2 etc.

In general it is better to use column names in the order by clause as well to be clear.

Some databases such as Postgres do support positional arguments for group by

SQL Server Error Code and solution summary

SQL Server Error: 164
Severity: 15
Event Logged or not: No
Each GROUP BY expression must contain at least one column that is not an outer reference.

The positional syntax is  only permitted for order by like 1,2 etc.

In general it is better to use column names in the order by clause as well to be clear.


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